EndRun エンドラン Sonoma D12 タイムサーバ Meridian II Tycho II 基準位置の手入力
情報システム営業部TOP-EndRun- Sonoma D12 - Meridian II - 基準位置の手入力 - お問い合わせ-資料請求フォーム


EndRun Sonoma D12 Meridian II Tycho II 共通 基準位置の手入力

1 手順の概要


root ユーサーになり, setgpsrefpos コマンドを実行すると現在の基準位置を無効化したり,基準位置を手入力するための対話型プログラムが走ります.


setrefpos コマンドの実行

* setgpsrefpos *
* *
* Interactive utility for setting the GPS reference position *
* *
* This interactive utility will guide you in setting the accurate reference *
* position for your MeridianII GPS. In order to determine accurate UTC time, *
* a GPS receiver must know its position. In order to automatically determine *
* its position, a GPS receiver must be able to simultaneously view at least *
* four satellites. Once this position has been determined, a GPS receiver *
* can continue to determine UTC time while tracking only a single satellite. *

この対話型ユティリティーは正確な基準位置 情報を設定するガイド を提供します。

* *
* Under normal conditions, where the GPS antenna has been installed on the *
* rooftop and there is good visibility of the sky, it is not necessary to *
* perform this operation since the GPS sub-system will automatically deter- *
* mine its accurate position from the satellites. *

GPS サブシステムがGPS衛星からの正確な位置を算出できるので、この手順を

* *
* Some users may have to install the GPS antenna in a less than optimal *
* location such as on a window, or their rooftop might not have good sky *
* visibility due to the "urban canyon" effect of tall neighboring buildings. *
* In these situations it could be necessary to manually enter this position *
* to enable the MeridianII GPS to perform its function.


* *
************************* Press ENTER to continue *****************************

* *
* If the limitations of your installation are such that the GPS receiver is *
* not able to automatically determinine its position due to poor satellite *
* visibility, then you must determine your position via another means and *
* input it using this interactive utility. There are viable means of *
* determining this position that will generally be adequate for network *
* synchronization using the NTP capability or your MeridianII GPS. *

設定します.NTP による時刻同期を行うに十分な精度の 位置情報を得る方法は

* *
* One is to have a low cost handheld GPS receiver available that will allow *
* you to determine a position somewhere outside of your building where sat- *
* ellite visibility is adequate. Assuming that the actual MeridianII GPS ant-
* tenna will not be more than about 100 meters from this position, you may *
* directly enter it as the accurate reference position. *
* *

1つは 携帯GPS受信機を持ってアンテナを設置しようとする建屋の外で測位可能な場所
を探して測位を行う方法です。 Meridian II のアンテナから100m以内の場所であれば

* If yours is a precision timing or frequency control application, you must *
* have a good, rooftop antenna installation to achieve the high performance *
* levels your MeridianII GPS is capable of providing. *

もしも、NTP ではなく正確な周波数と時刻情報を必要とするのであれば、Meridian II
GPS の性能を達成するために良好な受信環境にアンテナを設置しなければなりません。

* *
************************* Press ENTER to continue *****************************

* *
* For details, you should refer to the 'Obtaining a Reference Position' *
* section of 'Appendix E - Installing the GPS Antenna' in your User's Manual. *

詳しくはマニュアルの Appendix E - Installing the GPS Antenna を参照ください。

* *
* EndRun Technologies technical support would be happy to assist you in ob- *
* taining and/or interpreting the needed position information for your site. *

EndRun Technologies のテクニカルサポートは必要とされる設置場所の情報を入手

* *
* In addition to allowing you to set an accurate GPS reference position, this *
* utility will allow you to invalidate an existing one and thereby force the *
* GPS receiver to re-establish its reference position automatically. *

位置情報を無効にして、再度 GPS 受信機に測位させることもできます.

* *
* The reference position modifications that you enter now will take effect *
* immediately after you confirm them by answering "yes" to the final prompt. *
* If you answer "no" to the final prompt, the current reference position will *
* be unchanged. *

* You will be prompted to either invalidate the existing reference position *
* or to enter a new GPS Reference Position now. *


---Invalidate the Current Reference Position


If you would like to invalidate an existing reference position and force the
MeridianII GPS to re-establish its reference position from the GPS satellite
constellation, answer 'yes' to the following question.

現在の基準位置情報を無効にして、再度基準位置を GPS 衛星を使い測位する
には,以下の質問に yes と答えます.

If you would like to manually enter a new reference position yourself, answer
'no' to the following question.

もし、基準位置情報を手入力するのであれば、以下の質問に no と答えます。

Do you want to invalidate the current GPS reference position? (yes, no)
no <-- 基準位置を手入力するには no と答える

---Set a New GPS Reference Position

---WGS-84 Latitude Setting

First we will ask for the latitude, starting with the hemisphere.
Then we will ask for the degrees, minutes, and seconds.

まず,緯度を北緯か南緯かから答えます.次いで 度 分 秒 の順に答えます.

Enter the hemisphere you are in ([S]outh, [N]orth):
N <-- 北緯は N と答えます
Enter the degrees of latitude (0 to 90):
35 <-- 北緯の度を答えます
Enter the minutes of latitude (0 to 59):
25 <-- 北緯の分を答えます
Enter the seconds of latitude (0.00 to 59.99):
55.55 <-- 北緯の秒を答えます
You have entered:
latitude N35:25:55.55

---WGS-84 Longitude Setting

Now we will ask for the longitude, starting with the hemisphere.
Then we will ask for the degrees, minutes and seconds.

経度を答えます,東経か西経かから答えます.次いで 度 分 秒 の順に答えます.

Enter the hemisphere you are in ([W]est, [E]ast):
E <-- 東経は E と答えます
Enter the degrees of longitude (0 to 180):
135 <-- 東経の度を答えます
Enter the minutes of longitude (0 to 59):
34 <-- 東経の分を答えます
Enter the seconds of longitude (0.00 to 59.99):
56.78 <-- 東経の秒を答えます
You have entered:
latitude N35:25:55.55, longitude E135:34:56.78

---WGS-84 Height Above the Ellipsoid Setting

Now we will ask for the height above the WGS-84 ellipsoid.
We will ask for the height in meters. One digit to the right
of the decimal point will be accepted.

WGS-84 楕円体からの高さを答えます.単位はメートルです.小数点以下一位まで


Enter the WGS-84 ellipsoid height in meters (-400.0 to +18000.00):
80 <-- アンテナのGPS標高で答えます(海水面標高に30を加えた数字)
You have entered:
latitude: N35:25:55.55, longitude: E135:34:56.78, height: +80.0 m

You will be asked to either go forward with the update or
cancel the GPS reference update process

Are you sure that you want to change the GPS reference position? (yes, no)
yes <-- yes と答えると手入力した基準位置が使われます

3 確認

gpslastfix コマンドとgpsrefpos コマンド を使って基準位置情報を調べることが

出来ます,手入力した場合 USER になります.


株式会社 昌新 技術部